August 9, 2015

We Jumped A Thing!

Seriously – a thing!!!  Ok, the word “jump” may be a tad strong: If it looks like a jump & jumps like a jump... But creativity is a...

July 31, 2015

The #1 Reason To Wear A Helmet That You Didn’t Think Of

Heck yeah, helmet went to Ecuador in my carry-on! I'm going to let you in on a secret:  there is something worse than losing your h...

July 24, 2015

Halt That Headshaking!

Nature no touchy! Summer brings not just sweat, but the War of the Flies ( sorry, William Golding ). You're attempting to make cen...

July 21, 2015

How Not To Get Hot

Famous last words:  “ I was going to wait & ride at 8:00 pm since it’s 907% humidity, but heck with it, it’s already 6:30 pm, that’s ...

July 15, 2015

Craving Progress In Your Riding & Training?

Think about it like your horse does. We ( myself included ) spend far too much time stuck on what went wrong yesterday or last week or at...