Showing posts with label longeing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label longeing. Show all posts
August 5, 2019
Introducing Whips To The Sensitive Horse

In case you missed it, Echo is Sensitive Horse. Alert to everything HE thinks is interesting or surprising, but without being scary about i...
thoughtful insights
May 18, 2019
Progress And Setbacks

Because you can't have one without the other, at least when it comes to horses. As I mentioned in my last post, Echo recently got a pr...
December 22, 2014
The Air Of Heaven…A Horse’s Ears…You Know How It Goes
Uh, no, THIS is my sacred duty, mom... Yesterday, I rode. Three simple words, yet in the context of the past year, an extraordinary thi...
June 21, 2014
Please Press Pause
Taken from the tractor seat... Letting the diesel idle, I pause the tractor on a berm in the top pasture. It’s that quiet intermission ...
May 18, 2013
There And Back Again

It feels like we’ve been away. Lost in some nebulous pocket of time where we’ve been bouncing in circles, up and down the emotional roller...
March 16, 2013
The Becky Diaries: Day 5: Long Lining

With each day of surreally amazing experience & knowledge streaming in front of me, my brain gets progressively more loopy ( a terrifyin...
June 14, 2012
Equine Psychology And The Meaning Of It All

This will be a long one. Hopefully it will not fall into the TL;DR category, but my brain has been busy in last 48 hours and we've mad...
November 29, 2011
Vacation's Over, Baby

Thank you so much to all of you who have participated thus far in the 2011 Fix Solo For Christmas Sale! I have a bunch of things stacked up...
September 22, 2011
I'm Afraid Of Good Things
There, I said it. Because I have to admit, the magic of Encore scares the hell out of me! Are you on crack, crazy woman? you query incre...
June 12, 2011
Killing Time While Broken
I don't take being grounded well. I mope. I pout. I whine. I generally make myself a nuisance to those poor souls who for some unkno...
June 3, 2011
Yay, I Love Spending Money!

Did you notice the sarcasm font? Oh, Solo. See, I get a little crazy when I can't ride. Ok, I get a lot crazy. I get all balled up...
July 15, 2010
Fitting Up
There is no doubt Solo lost some fitness during his month-long break. I still don't regret it for a second because that weariness that ...
July 11, 2010
Vienna Veritas
Longeing a horse can be a very valuable tool for a variety of reasons. I personally find it extremely useful for building a horse's top...