Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
October 18, 2015
Help Me Help You! Sharing Struggles?

The almighty Google Webmaster has been telling me that there are many sharing fails occurring on the desktop version of our site. Please h...
thoughtful insights
December 31, 2014
The Home Of Solaris Is Now Officially Solar!
Eventually... Well, his part is, at any rate. It's ALIIIVVVEEE!!!!! And despite the rambling of my previous post, heinously simp...
December 27, 2014
How To Put Some Solar Power In Your Fenceline (Without Taking On The Solar Charger Headache)

No, you may not steal my horse. Solo is brilliant, but his charge is non-transferrable. Why Did You Build It? So they would come. Duh....
November 26, 2014
Join The Horse Blog Community Gift Exchange & Take A Live Equine Blog Tour!

Sorry for that bit on the left, the interwebz made me do it... BUT -- Fun Holiday Things To Share If you missed it on our Twit/FB inani...
November 9, 2014
My Webmaster Sucks

Can you hear me now?? To be fair, I think Google messes with things sometimes just to see if you're paying attention. I did all these...
September 8, 2014
Repair Notes From Your Dedicated Webmaster

The worst three digits online... Your rage is my sorrow. Blogger has this nifty site called Webmaster Tools . Included here are logs...
September 2, 2014
A Hitchiker's Guide To Our New Website

Hated the book, but I was 13... Being one of those people who takes longer than I will ever admit to mentally digest information, a th...
August 16, 2014
Red Alert: Change Is Afoot

Danger, Will Robinson!! Yes, I know, change is scary, but this one is long overdue & very exciting. How about I leave you hanging ...
May 31, 2014
Farm Ownership = Endless Discoveries
To those who follow us on social media , these little “surprises” may sound familiar. For the rest of you slackers wonderful people, h...
May 1, 2014
I Never Really Wanted A Farm

Delima & I survey Snowy River country in Victoria, Australia Whaaa...?!? I have spent the majority of my life in and around all m...
March 21, 2014
Notes From The Madhouse

Be forewarned: an unbelievably horrific three day long work assault meeting has left many brains crippled, so sense is not to be expecte...
January 16, 2014
So, There's Water Polo, How About Water Eventing?

I should probably just keep a snorkel in my truck at this point. Even the reservoirs can't hold any more and soil that "never ge...
January 7, 2014
When Bloggers Collide
It appears there were multiple horse-y blogger holiday road trips from Texas to North Carolina (um, because this is where it's at, hello...
December 16, 2013
TFS Is Getting All Social And Crap

If you haven't noticed my shameless ( ok, there's a little shame, but whatever ) caving to the interwebz, TFS has been exploring d...
December 9, 2013
I Promise It Will Be Over Soon!

Ok, so bringing TFS into something close to 2014 has been a teeensy bit more involved than I thought. Something akin to a first grader deci...
December 2, 2013
What Do I Do With That Orange Rainbow (RSS) Thingy? Tech Time-Out

Rainbow? RSS feeds : many of you may have heard of them, some not, but they have become a huge part of following blogs, podcasts, and o...