Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
May 11, 2019
Just Wait
I am trying to adopt these two simple words as my Equine Mantra. Sigh, the gaping chasm between "simple" & "easy."...
thoughtful insights
February 16, 2016
You Can Win The Triple Crown Of Eventing – At Beginner Novice
Or Novice. Or Training. Or even Prelim. This is not a joke. This is a real broadcast from the “Awesome Eventing Opportunity” s...
October 13, 2015
Ever Tried To Catch A Greased Weasel?
Because that's pretty much what it's like trying to pin down sentences in my brain anymore. Little buggers are elusive... I know ...
August 9, 2015
We Jumped A Thing!
Seriously – a thing!!! Ok, the word “jump” may be a tad strong: If it looks like a jump & jumps like a jump... But creativity is a...
July 21, 2015
How Not To Get Hot
Famous last words: “ I was going to wait & ride at 8:00 pm since it’s 907% humidity, but heck with it, it’s already 6:30 pm, that’s ...
July 15, 2015
Craving Progress In Your Riding & Training?
Think about it like your horse does. We ( myself included ) spend far too much time stuck on what went wrong yesterday or last week or at...
March 26, 2015
Put More "Can" In Your Can-ter
The Power Of Positive Something continues popping up its little head, quietly, back in mind cobwebs where useful things like to hide. It ...
March 7, 2015
When 'Failure' Isn't Failure
Brilliantly perfect! Before I sate your curiosity about the title, I have to comment on my Problem With Posting. It's easy to see t...
November 12, 2014
The Sage Speaks: Better Yourself, Better Your Horse
If ever someone encapsulated the goal & spirit of not only this blog, but my own strong convictions in regards to building equine partne...
September 19, 2014
REAL Real People With Real Lives...And Real Riding*
Adjust the focus We are flooded daily with stories of 20-year-olds winning Grands Prix, of young professionals adding to their eventing ...