Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
June 10, 2020
Taking Action

I generally do not delve into too much social commentary on this horse blog, but we have reached new-yet-old levels of horrifying behaviour ...
thoughtful insights
November 11, 2015
Catching Up: Like, RIDING HORSES!

It’s a tad squishy out, what with several inches of rain over the last 24 hours. But the sun is warm & some of the grass is still green...
September 2, 2015
Obvious Riding, Obviously

A normal workday-& perfect metaphor for my life It's been hard to write. It's been hard to ride. I'd guess all my fel...
December 27, 2014
How To Put Some Solar Power In Your Fenceline (Without Taking On The Solar Charger Headache)

No, you may not steal my horse. Solo is brilliant, but his charge is non-transferrable. Why Did You Build It? So they would come. Duh....
November 16, 2014
All Farm Residents Are Actually Still Alive

We all gotta nom, man... Well, unless you count a few deer, but they fed coyote puppies. Even if you don’t like coyotes, if you don’t t...
August 14, 2014
Life Smacks You In The Face. Horses Reduce The Swelling Afterwards.
If pain must come, may it come quickly. Because I have a life to live, and I need to live it in the best way possible . - Paulo Coelho...
May 1, 2014
I Never Really Wanted A Farm

Delima & I survey Snowy River country in Victoria, Australia Whaaa...?!? I have spent the majority of my life in and around all m...
July 28, 2012
Can I Make The Impossible Possible?

This is how it goes: Monday I am getting ready for field work, fixing the stuff broken in last week's field work, or driving to field...
July 7, 2012
On Again, Off Again

Summers are frustrating for me. It's field season at work, which means I am doing this... ...while losing my body weight in swe...