Showing posts with label conditioning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conditioning. Show all posts
December 21, 2021
Getting On With Getting On
Y'all. This lil' Mousey...this is a Real Good Horse. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I can't quite believe it's alr...
thoughtful insights
April 24, 2016
We're Still Here, Still Crazy
My intentions to update you remain overwhelmed by assignments, but I couldn't leave a gaping hole for guesses, so I shall at least attem...
April 3, 2016
Remember To Not Forget To Not Ride

I watched my horse's eye soften as I worked my hands over Encore's neck, back, & hindquarters, seeking out knots & tensi...
March 20, 2016
Stupid Stifles Suck

I appear to have an 's' theme lately. I'm not fond of this addition. Encore continues to enable my phenomenal overthinking p...
February 2, 2016
Of Tales And Trails

Do you think our stories break when we do? Or do they just get so tangled up that we can't find a view of the road? I'm still ...
December 25, 2015
There's No Present Like The Time*

Holidays & I have mixed relations, but there is still no repressing my smile at Solo’s unfailing welcome nicker as I step out the back ...
December 14, 2015
The Double Whammy

While I waited for Dr. Bob last Tuesday morning, I was fully prepared to hear Encore had torn a meniscus or something & I'd have a f...
November 23, 2015
The Trouble With Horses
But Encore-face, impossible to not love... Is that they're horses. One minute you're on top of the world, the next, you're ...
November 11, 2015
Catching Up: Like, RIDING HORSES!

It’s a tad squishy out, what with several inches of rain over the last 24 hours. But the sun is warm & some of the grass is still green...
July 21, 2015
How Not To Get Hot

Famous last words: “ I was going to wait & ride at 8:00 pm since it’s 907% humidity, but heck with it, it’s already 6:30 pm, that’s ...
April 8, 2015
When Bad News Is Good News

Yes, Batman Dr. Bob confirmed that Encore proved his talents yet again by pulling both stifles. He’d just healed his pulled ass, so natu...