We set off tomorrow for Longleaf Pines Horse Trial -- our foray into schlepping around with the big boys and girls. And yes, my eyes ARE bugging out of my head. This will be our first recognized event, our first two day event, and our first go at the Novice XC course at the Carolina Horse Park. It's going to take every bit of Solo's big red heart to get us through it. At present, I am driven by an equal mixture of excitement and terror.
The event will hold dressage and XC on Saturday and stadium jumping on Sunday. Solo will be bunking at a nearby farm so he will get his own paddock to snooze in Saturday night -- I hate locking him in a stall for a whole weekend, not to mention that if you stable at CHP for an event, they extort you for $175 just for a stall. Which I steadfastly refuse to pay. As if just entering the darn thing is not expensive enough, along with registering both yourself AND your horse with USEA!
You will be able to follow our (hopefully uneventful) progress and that of our competitors:
Ride times are here.
Live scoring is here.
Solo and I will be in the dressage arena at 1:06 pm and we'll hit the start box at 3:16 pm. My ever-so-kind mother is coming to photograph our performance so we'll have lots of photos to share with you next week too!
2 days ago
super exciting stuff! Good luck to you and the red man! Fingers crossed :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck!!
ReplyDeleteBest of luck, and most importantly, have fun!
ReplyDeleteGood luck, relax and say hello to your mom for me.
ReplyDeleteAtta girl! I'm sure you and Solo will be kickin' ass and takin' names out there on the XC course!
ReplyDeleteIt would be SO much funner (yep, it's now a word) if you had a giant video cam duct-taped to your helmet with multi-colored duct-tape. I triple dog dare you! ;-D
Good Luck!!
ReplyDeleteExciting!! I look forward to the pictures.
ReplyDelete(And $175 for a stall? Sheesh. Slap them.)
Good luck and I cannot wait to see the pictures. Nice of your mom to be your photographer.
ReplyDeleteCan't add to what everyone else has said, so I'll just repeat it :) - good luck and have a blast!!!