Showing posts with label feet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feet. Show all posts
April 18, 2015
Stagger-By Update Ramble -- At Least It Has Photos!
Even the jump panels are perfect... Horses offer many gifts; chief among them -- you will NEVER be bored. In fact, you may come to beg ...
thoughtful insights
January 19, 2015
Hooves: Excellent For Both Exploding Heads & Amazing Healing Powers
No one's favourite supplies Time may not heal ALL wounds, but given enough of it, equine feet can certainly recover from some gory f...
January 11, 2015
There Was Riding! Among Other Things...
I can't see you... Two horses in one day!! The Browner Orange One Ok, fine, be pedantic. I long-lined Encore as he is due for ...
December 24, 2014
A Few Of My Favourite Things!

Sing it with me now! *dons epic Julie Andrews voice , click if you need to tune yours...* Haynets on doorknobs and blankets draped sid...
August 14, 2014
Life Smacks You In The Face. Horses Reduce The Swelling Afterwards.
If pain must come, may it come quickly. Because I have a life to live, and I need to live it in the best way possible . - Paulo Coelho...
August 5, 2014
The Agony & The Ecstasy: An Update (Mostly On The Former)

*insert standard blogger excuse about life, jobs, shoving your horse's legs in buckets of ice at midnight, perfecting your hoof wrappi...
July 25, 2014
WTF: Cat Befriends Stegosaurus
Wordless Triassic Friday! What did you think it stood for??! * snicker * I admit part of me just wants to see if I can get the most biza...
July 18, 2014
And Now For Something Completely (Not) Different, AKA, Encore Has A Vet Addiction
I apologize for the break from our regularly scheduled programming. Although looking through some recent posts , maybe this IS our regularl...
March 14, 2014
How To Make Your Own "Soft Ride" Boots

Remember when I posted useful articles on this blog? Me neither. However, today, I actually do have something useful to offer you! Do try...