September 30, 2009
There's A First Time For Everything...
Including horse trials! It was summer 2008 & the time had come to GET OUT THERE and do it. A local farm does a nice little greenie ...
thoughtful insights
September 25, 2009
Aaaaall By Myseeeeeeeelf.....
Sing it with me! I'm sure you've figured it out on your own, but there are several layers to this blog title. One is blatantly ob...
September 23, 2009
How To Make A Nun Cuss
Tell her to fit a saddle to a horse and rider. It'll work, I promise. As I mentioned, after the failure of SF#1 to satisfy, I moved ...
September 21, 2009
One Month Of Bending Does Not A Dressage Horse Make
Let me clarify my ambivalence Or how about "My Horse Is A Doofus." Or “The Near Explosion of My Head & Subsequent Murder...
September 20, 2009
Winter Woebegone
So the Dark Times began. I was convinced my saddle didn't fit. Solo was fighting me tooth and nail against lifting his back and it...