December 2, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away

Not a good week so far. Hand clawed up by flailing cat. Toe broken by leaping sofa (f@$%ing unruly furniture!). Winter riding earmuffs MIA...

November 29, 2009

A Good Bad Day

I get mopey when I can't ride. It was a beautiful day today. Sunny, 70 degrees, the kind of fall day that just makes you sigh and smile...

November 25, 2009

Small Victories, Pt. II

I decided to try a slightly different approach than we'd used before. I put him in a nice, forward, rhythmic trot and let him stretch d...

Small Victories, Pt. I

I lean into him and lay my head on his back as he munches sweet grass hay. My ear on his fur, I can hear the echo of his teeth grinding thr...

November 24, 2009

Gallop and GO!

The report! We survived! We did not get eliminated! IT DID NOT RAIN ON US!!!!! There you go. Ok, ok, the story: We (we traveled with two ...