August 9, 2010

In Which Solo Tries Once Again To Off Me Via Cardiac Arrest

So I may have mentioned that Solo is out of shape a bit. And I may have mentioned that we had a great ride for a couple of hours yesterday....

August 8, 2010

Surviving Summer

Lifeshighway & I enjoyed a thoroughly great ride this morning; Solo has turned into a fat blob during his vacation, trying to see if he...

August 5, 2010

Buddy Plug

Ohhh, I just realized that may be a poor title choice, but it made me giggle, so there.  This is just a PSA to help out a good friend in her...

August 3, 2010


When it hasn't been hot, it's been raining. Sometimes it's hot AND raining. Pick your poison. BO has been hankering to take ...

July 29, 2010

Where Did Solo Go?

I have not disappeared, I am simply buried between long, hard days at work and putting a new floor in my house by myself. Even my fingers a...