August 21, 2010

We're Famous!

Or at least infamous... The kind folks over at Horse and Wildlife Gifts have done a feature post on WAFS in their series of highlighted h...

August 16, 2010

Blood And Guts

Waaaaaayyy back in May , Dr. Bob recommended we run a blood panel on Solo.  Well, it's halfway through August, so I figured I could fin...

August 9, 2010

In Which Solo Tries Once Again To Off Me Via Cardiac Arrest

So I may have mentioned that Solo is out of shape a bit. And I may have mentioned that we had a great ride for a couple of hours yesterday....

August 8, 2010

Surviving Summer

Lifeshighway & I enjoyed a thoroughly great ride this morning; Solo has turned into a fat blob during his vacation, trying to see if he...

August 5, 2010

Buddy Plug

Ohhh, I just realized that may be a poor title choice, but it made me giggle, so there.  This is just a PSA to help out a good friend in her...