July 16, 2011
A Day At The Farm
First, if you didn't already catch it on Eventing Nation , I MUST share the utter brilliance fellow blogger Anastasia posted over at Tea...
thoughtful insights
July 14, 2011
Lessons From Dr. Bob, Vol. 38

I don't know how many ways it is possible to say "I LOVE DR. BOB." I mean, my plan is to lure him into a stall and then lock ...
July 13, 2011
Brain Drool

Broken horses leave far too much time for thinking. I pace the barn aisle restlessly, wondering what my options are. My crazy addiction t...
July 9, 2011
It's Worrrking, It's Worrrking....
Despite the 17 layers of sweat, Solo and I had a great ride today! Funny how two months ago, a great ride meant powerful extended gaits and...
July 4, 2011
It's Feeling HOT HOT HOT!

Brown grass crunches underfoot and I swat only half-effectively at deer flies. Solo's neck stays permanently wet with a white crust of ...