December 27, 2011

Just Relax

Sadly, I shall be away from blogland for the rest of the week, as far as I know.  This renders me unable to share my dorkiness genius and i...

December 22, 2011

Is It A Coincidence That "Saddle" And "Satan" Begin With The Same Two Letters?

I don't think I can describe saddle fitting any better than I did here :  a form of torture akin to holding one's hands in a campfi...

December 18, 2011

Weekend Update

Owwwww. No, I didn't fall off again. Damn, I hate that I have to put "again" at the end of that sentence. The cloud of &qu...

December 13, 2011

Someone Slap Me!

Encore has discovered his jump.  His big, powerful, sit-on-your-butt-and-leap jump.  Holy mother of cod, I had a lot more horse under me tha...

December 7, 2011

Me Vs. Me: The Internal Monologue Of An Inveterate Self-Critic

If I ride him just right, he will get it. This is the thought that runs over and over through my head as I worked with Encore last night. ...