November 21, 2012
The Wheat From The Chaff: Separate It Does
This story is a little overdue, but no less worth telling. Because it is a perfect illustration of the line of horsemanship those of us one...
thoughtful insights
November 20, 2012
WTF Just Happened? AKA The Surgeon's Update
So...I made this giant plan, right? I pretty much gave up a year of my life to fix this stupid knee thing . I had everything in place, all...
November 12, 2012
The Eagle Has Landed

"You could totes be a model...." Maybe that's what Encore's friends tell him. And by friends I mean, one friend who lik...
November 6, 2012
An Emotional Blender

Our farrier met me in a bitterly cold wind this afternoon and pulled Encore's shoes; the final touch ending my desperate attempt at a fa...
November 2, 2012
The Guestest With The Bestest

I am proud to introduce you to Amber, who humoured me and has wr itten a guest blog for us today. She contacted me th rough email about m...