March 13, 2013

The Becky Diaries: Day 2: Dressage-ish

What have you done in the last 10 years? Mind blown. Also, you might as well start calling me Wrong Turn Reba; all these tiny SC roads...

March 12, 2013

The Becky Diaries: Day 1: Arrival

Before I begin, I want to encourage everyone within reach of our beloved Southern Pines to check out and send in your entries to Denny Emers...

March 10, 2013

Flat Out Flat Walkin'

Oh yeah, he really wanted to work.  Great pillow, dude. "Are you riding Solo today?" The BO's question came as I finishe...

March 7, 2013

A Run-By News-ing

Encore appears to be back to pretty much normal, eating and behaving like himself.  If I pinch his neck skin, recovery still seems a tiny bi...

March 5, 2013

The C Word

No, not that word.  Although I hate that one too.  But I have now officially decided I hate this one more: Colic. It sends a shudder dow...