March 16, 2013

The Becky Diaries: Day 5: Long Lining

With each day of surreally amazing experience & knowledge streaming in front of me, my brain gets progressively more loopy ( a terrifyin...

March 15, 2013

The Becky Diaries: Day 4: Cross Country

You FB peeps already guessed who this snoozer is! It was Pi Day!  But I forgot to get pie to celebrate, sigh. The days seem too short,...

March 14, 2013

The Becky Diaries: Day 3: Gymnastics

The porch view of the Windhaven dressage and gynmastic work area. I did not get to do much creeping watching today; since I had to fetc...

March 13, 2013

The Becky Diaries: Day 2: Dressage-ish

What have you done in the last 10 years? Mind blown. Also, you might as well start calling me Wrong Turn Reba; all these tiny SC roads...

March 12, 2013

The Becky Diaries: Day 1: Arrival

Before I begin, I want to encourage everyone within reach of our beloved Southern Pines to check out and send in your entries to Denny Emers...