June 30, 2013
Where I Remember Why I Live Where I Do
It's been a long day. Running late as usual, I scurried up to the farm to pick up Encore so we could head north for our clinic (see pr...
thoughtful insights
June 23, 2013
Time, Energy, Money
All of these things have to line up AND coincide with having a sound horse if we want to ride and advance our training. I usually hit one o...
June 17, 2013
How To Make A Lasting First Impression
Perhaps you have a job interview for that dream position or perhaps you are pitching a hot new idea at a big meeting. You want to blow thei...
June 12, 2013
Never Say Never
Of course, they also say, "Never say die," but that latter is rather unavoidable. Sorry, that's just how my wacked brain wor...
June 10, 2013
The Overachiever Achieves Not
She also achieves naught. I've been sucked into this trap. Where I get on Encore, we warm up, he is going well enough. Then, becau...