August 15, 2013
Serene Solo
It makes him so happy... When I swung my leg over and settled into Solo's dressage saddle, I remember how close to saddle heaven you...
thoughtful insights
August 9, 2013
The Nose Knows
Happy face in the (s-word which I will not say aloud, ewww) I am sure I have talked before about my propensity to school Solo without an...
August 6, 2013
If Mo' Money = Mo' Problems, Then Shouldn't No' Money = No' Problems?
Empty piggy is sad. It just sounds logical to me. Harrumph. What with vet bills and farrier bills and oh yeah, the riding mower decid...
August 2, 2013
Changes Afoot
Naturally, after I celebrate Encore's awesomeness and plan a fantastic trip down to Southern Pines to visit his CANTER MA aunties and ri...
August 1, 2013
Send An Entry, Guaranteed To Win!
Last day to send in entries for the Absorbine contest! !! Right now, I only have two entries, sadness, but happy for them, because Absorbin...