December 24, 2014

A Few Of My Favourite Things!

Sing it with me now! *dons epic Julie Andrews voice , click if you need to tune yours...* Haynets on doorknobs and blankets draped sid...

December 22, 2014

The Air Of Heaven…A Horse’s Ears…You Know How It Goes

Uh, no, THIS is my sacred duty, mom... Yesterday, I rode.  Three simple words, yet in the context of the past year, an extraordinary thi...

December 20, 2014

Our Blogger Secret Santa Revealed: Thank You!!!

Random wrench was the closest metal object, I had to demo! A thousand gratitudes to Molly, McKenna, & Phoenix at One Bud Wiser (yea...

December 18, 2014

Horze Enables My Inner Boot Addict & Safety Police All At Once?!

Um, not that kind of grail boot...WTF is that? AND THERE WAS MATCHING! I know, I had to take a few deep breaths too... The Boots ...

December 9, 2014

Tuesday Tack Tips: Revitalizing Tired Fleece

My fluff haz no protective force field?? Whether synthetic or manufactured by sheep, fleece-lined boots, saddle pads, even bedroom slipp...