September 14, 2016
Solo Struggles: The Tendons That Bow
Yes, you read that correctly. No, the plural is not just a literary reference. I haven't been able to write about it because in all ...
thoughtful insights
July 24, 2016
A New Favourite: Grooming Hands Gloves Are Hands-On...And Hands-Free!
Tell me if this sounds familiar: currying off layers of sweat crust & dirt, I manage to drop my body brush at least twice. I keep the ...
July 9, 2016
The Day The Sheds Flew: Farmpocalypse 2016
As I was preparing horsey dinners last Wednesday, I never imagined the building I stood in would be torn violently apart 30 minutes later. ...
May 14, 2016
Moments Make Memories
I have a confession to make, while I'm sorting through piles of Southern Eighths stories & photos. I public. Befor...
May 6, 2016
Dressage, Delights, & Drop Fences, Oh My: The 3-Day Photo-ganza!
Sally relaxes to review XC courses But first, a giant THANKS to the over 400 folks who tuned into to the colourful & educational ( ...