August 12, 2017
Hope And Home
Before proceeding, I cannot say thank you enough for all of your kind words & support - I have read & re-read them, each one a mini-...
thoughtful insights
July 23, 2017
Not The Solo Update I Wanted To Post
Solo has been fighting for his life over the past five weeks at the NC State University Large Animal Hospital. After all this time since t...
September 14, 2016
Solo Struggles: The Tendons That Bow
Yes, you read that correctly. No, the plural is not just a literary reference. I haven't been able to write about it because in all ...
July 24, 2016
A New Favourite: Grooming Hands Gloves Are Hands-On...And Hands-Free!
Tell me if this sounds familiar: currying off layers of sweat crust & dirt, I manage to drop my body brush at least twice. I keep the ...
July 9, 2016
The Day The Sheds Flew: Farmpocalypse 2016
As I was preparing horsey dinners last Wednesday, I never imagined the building I stood in would be torn violently apart 30 minutes later. ...