May 30, 2019
What Happened To Solo (Punctuation Mark Of Choice) - The Bullet List
This post took me far longer than it should have to put together, in part because it required reliving some horrible times. You can read he...
thoughtful insights
May 18, 2019
Progress And Setbacks

Because you can't have one without the other, at least when it comes to horses. As I mentioned in my last post, Echo recently got a pr...
May 11, 2019
Just Wait

I am trying to adopt these two simple words as my Equine Mantra. Sigh, the gaping chasm between "simple" & "easy....
April 29, 2019
A Muzzle Saved My Relationship

Hmmm, that title could be true for so many scenarios, however, in this case, I am referring to a certain Baby Monster. Who is basically a m...
April 21, 2019
Capital Improvements: Farm Edition

Any farm is essentially a never-ending project & mine is no exception. Should a farm-owner feel that they have completed all projects, ...