September 9, 2019
A Healing Update - It's Never Simple
The first week post-carnage went fairly smoothly. The Horse Gods saw this & felt it necessary to remind me that this is an unacceptable...
thoughtful insights
September 2, 2019
Emergency Vet -- A Two-Fer
I was working outside on Saturday when I heard the fence wires suddenly start jangling in a bad way. I had just put the horses in a small s...
August 27, 2019
Echo's First Outing - Plus Bonus Solo
Last weekend, we had some really lovely weather with temps in the mid-70s, so I pounced on the opportunity to take Echo on his first real ad...
August 17, 2019
Riding The Rail: Baby's First Bareback Ride & Learning Some Laterals
It might surprise you that I haven't gotten on Echo bareback yet, but more than anything, I was waiting until he had a little more body ...
August 5, 2019
Introducing Whips To The Sensitive Horse
In case you missed it, Echo is Sensitive Horse. Alert to everything HE thinks is interesting or surprising, but without being scary about i...