April 17, 2020

Echo's Vet Update

Before I dive into the latest installment of Echo's vet addiction, I do want to send out my best to all of you.  I went back & forth...

April 6, 2020

Bute Vs. Equioxx: Tradeoffs

Because it's a good time to learn about things, right? I recently had the unfortunate but useful opportunity to compare the results of...

March 31, 2020

Disaster Horse Votes No To Boring

Without doubt, we are in tumultuous times.  Echo the Disaster Horse did not want to be left out of this & had no interest in my plea to ...

March 14, 2020

Update On Disaster Horse

Maybe that should be his new name... Echo's shoulder has improved some this week.  I'm leaning heavily towards it being a kick ...

March 10, 2020

Unlucky People Shouldn't Own Unlucky Horses

Echo insists on continuing to demonstrate his talent...for misfortune.  Combined with my own terrible luck, I feel like we are stuck on a mo...