November 17, 2020
The Meanwhile Rides: Part I

I think we can all agree that there is never a good time for your horse to hurt himself. However, throughout the course of Echo's trava...
thoughtful insights
November 11, 2020
In Which We All Co-Habitate Once More

That's right, Echo is finally back home! I decided to go ahead & bring him home this past weekend since we were supposed to get ra...
October 31, 2020
The End Is Near!

By which I mean...the end of cleaning that bloody stall! To my relief & no small amount of surprise, Dr. Bob actually got to give us GO...
October 26, 2020
The Hits Keep Coming

Poor Echo. Baby Monster has been on small pen rest since July. His shoulder was making progress, but there was an element to his limp whi...
June 10, 2020
Taking Action

I generally do not delve into too much social commentary on this horse blog, but we have reached new-yet-old levels of horrifying behaviour ...