April 17, 2010

Short Show Update

Day 1: If you looked at the live scoring, you can see we stand in a whopping 20th place.  Dressage was bad, I think much to do with that sore muscle.  I didn't push Solo on it so the whole half of the test tracking left is pretty ugly.  Tracking right, he put in a decent canter & I let him be.  Hence our very nasty 44.7.  And since Novice is where heaps of adult riders park & spend the rest of their life because Training scares them, it's VERY competitive.

Solo was quite willing to go forward though, so I figured I'd let him have a go at XC & he could decide what he wanted to do. Well, as soon as I rode out to the warmup field, he perked up & soared over the warmup jumps beautifully.

Then he saw the start box & I think his tail actually caught on fire. Optimum time was 5:18. We finished in like 4:39. He was flying. And jumping really well, so we'll give stadium a go tomorrow morning & if he says no, we'll walk off with no regrets -- the XC course was a GREAT ride & he willingly took in stride the trakhener, big bank, jump out of the water, wide brush & a tall bench. Hooray, Solo!

Here's a sneak preview of us all prettified for dressage, just to whet your appetite.  And yes, I did tie the stupid stock tie!


  1. Great - you did it and it sounds like CC was a lot of fun!

  2. You look fabulous!!! And you BOTH look like you're having fun. Yay! I don't think 20th place is quite underdog-dramatic enough for the movies, but when you win it'll still be awesome!

  3. Awww you guys look so cute! I've been following the live feed all day, and I'm quite impressed with 20th!

  4. Awww! How purdy yall are! (Just had to give you that compliment in full redneckified mode) You guys are such an awesome team!

  5. You guys are BEAUTIFUL!! :-) It sounds like CC was a blast. Good luck with stadium!

  6. You have the BEST attitude about this! I'm glad to hear XC went so well and anxious to find out about SJ :)

  7. Ok, I admit it... that is a beautiful jacket. Glad you and Solo did well even with the sore back muscle.

  8. Thank you! We had a lot of fun riding out there!
