In the midst of doing 20 other things, I do have to share...PT came out for our combined FOURTH attempt at making the kinesiotape stick to horseyness last night. I have clipped Solo's sore spots again with a pair of face clippers and washed and buffed his butt till there was not a stray hair or speck of dirt to be found. PT also sprayed on some Magical Sporty Sticky Spray For Sweaty Athletes before applying the tape. I put Solo out last night with his fly sheet on and when I came out this evening...
I failed to contain my excitement as I sent a text in all caps to PT (who replies, "sweet.") and professed my undying love for his skillz. Now we shall see just how long it stays on.
After a long chat with Dr. Bob on Monday, I've also added methocarbamol (Robaxin) to Solo's treatment repertoire, and when the tape comes off, I'll do some deep massage with Surpass creme as well. The Surpass is diclofenac creme, interestingly the same drug that I have used in medicated painkiller patches on my back which were VERY effective!
I am frustrated with Solo's nearly invisible healing progress, but Dr. Bob assures me it is normal -- the back muscles are huge, 5-6 inches thick and it is a long, slow process. When queried about alternative therapies, such as shockwave, accupuncture, or injections, he maintained that those were most effective for localized areas and would likely have little effect over such a huge zone. Saves me money, but bummer for my mad desire to speed up this process.
I did ask if he thought Solo could be back in the game by September, when I would like to do a Novice HT at the Carolina Horse Park. Dr. Bob thought that was probably realistic, although he might not be back to Training Level jump heights by then, as full recovery varied widely by horse. That at least gave me something to hope for, especially when I told myself, hey, that's only like eleven weeks or so! (That sounds better than three months.)
Wow! I do believe you are one of if not THE most dedicated horsey owner I've ever "known." I hope these 11 weeks go by quickly for you and Solo recovers fully.
ReplyDeleteand... my very first event is this weekend!! It's just a mini-trial at beginner novice but I am SO EXCITED!! My trainer took us schooling at the Kentucky Horse Park this week and I think I'm actually ready... at least I hope so...
(Sorry to share this during your recovery period. I just couldn't contain my excitement.)
Good for you! Glad you have a "plan" and I do wish it was easier on us...
ReplyDeleteHahaha, Amanda, I am pretty sure I am not alone in my obsessiveness, I just obsessively write about it, LOL!
ReplyDeleteI am SO excited for you and your HT though (you better tell us all about it!) and at the same time undyingly jealous that you got to school KHP. I have trail ridden there, but never jumped anything. How I would love to take Solo to all those spots on course I remember so well!!!
Thanks, Suzanne! Let the healing commence for all parties, eh?? :-D
Yeah, I've used the human version of Surpass before (Voltaren gel, I believe) and it works very well.
ReplyDeleteAt least you and Solo are both out of commission at the same time! Hope your bone is healing itself while Solo's muscles are getting massaged/taped back into shape.
You're famous!! Your profile is on EN!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Frizz!
ReplyDeleteSB, I just saw that, it's so exciting!!!!
I saw your EN profile. It was funny, I was like 'Funny, that horse looks familiar' Then I read it and it all made sense :) Amazing how actually reading things can have that effect!
ReplyDeletePlans always make things better. Soon it'll only be 10 weeks.
Hahaha, Kate, we make sneak appearances all over the interwebz.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should make a countdown thingy? Nah, maybe that will make the time go by even slower...
Glad the tape is sticking. I hope it works its magic on Solo. Wishing you both a speedy recovery.
ReplyDeleteRiding at KHP fulfilled a childhood dream of mine. When my sister and I were kids my Mom took us to the horse park. That was back when horses and the people that owned them/handled them lived in far off mageekal kingdoms and I would have given pretty much anything to be in that fairytale. Riding there was amazing! I'm off tomorrow for our mini-trial. My goal is to simply get through it without looking like a complete doofus! I'll let you know if I succeed. :)
ReplyDeleteNice to hear the tape is sticking! Kate, I thought the same thing. I was like, hmmm, that looks so much like Solo from the Flying Solo blog..and I then I read the rest of the article. Good luck at your trial Amanda! I got to ride at KHP last weekend for the Pony Club Mega's an amazing experience! eventer79, maybe you should think about riding in the Midsouth Pony Club HT next year, after Solo recovers. It's at KHP and so, of course, the courses are gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the good wishes! The tape stayed on for three days!
ReplyDeleteI would love to HT at KHP, but that's an 8 hour trailer through the mtns, so probably not going to happen, at least not with this horse!
well... we made it!!! Our dressage was abysmal but we went clear in both cross country and stadium!! I was so very nervous before stadium I thought I was going to throw up and then afterwards it felt like it was so easy I couldn't figure out what I'd been so worried about!
ReplyDeleteYeah, Amanda!! Don't worry, I always leave the dressage arena in a fury, but hey, it's over and the jumping is the good part!!!!