July 20, 2013

Lusting After Your Own Absorbine TryPak???

That title ought to get me some Google hits, ha!  But you know you are.

Well, now you can win one.  And I'm going to tell you how.

Get ugly.

That's right.  And now I'm going to explain (apparently, I'm in the mood for announcing intent).

We all know us working class horse people are broke.  Some of us more than others.  As a result, I do not buy a replacement item until its predecessor has well and truly collapsed into a panting corpse at my feet and gasped its final effort.

Example.  My VERY favourite gloves, a pair of mesh-backed Moxie gloves, never too slippery, never too sticky, always comfortable, inexpensive, and with a lifespan of TWO YEARS, as opposed to 6-10 months for my traditional SSG All-Weathers.

As an aside, I do now own a pair of SSG Digitals and another of SSG 10 Belows (sale on both) and they are worlds above the All-Weathers and so far excellent after their first year. 

When I finally had to give up on my dear Moxies, my skin was getting peeled off because they looked like...well, just look left.

It was a real shame -- had it been any other finger but my rein finger, they would have lived on, because the top still looked like...yep, look down.

2 yrs, perfectly fine!
I happened to be in a tack shop and replaced them with a pair of leather and mesh Heritage pull-ons...which got the first hole in the finger (I apparently have devil monkey claw fingers and toes, you should see my socks!) in ONE WEEK.  BooHiss.  This is what I longed in today (below).  The rest of the summer fall will be spent in a pair of sale SSG crochet-backs.

What they look like today.  I just cut off the fingers when they fell apart.
OMG, woman, this is the longest contest description ever!  Yes, you're right.  But here's what you do:

-Click the email link in my sidebar and send me an email titled "My Awesomest Gear." 
-Attach a photo to that email of your most persistent piece of equipment (dang, I should have taken a picture of my half chaps that are legally old enough to drive!). 
-If I don't get some photos of duct tape and hay string, I'm going to cry.
-Make sure all photos are submitted by Thursday, August 1st.

I want to see ugly, I want to see determined, I want to see creative!  However, said piece of equipment must still be in regular use.  I'm going to count on your honour for that!  I will post the top ten photos and the FIVE most talented salvagers (that's right, say thank you to Absorbine generosity) will be chosen by my mere whimsy careful scientific rankings to receive your very own Limited Edition TryPak Of Shiny Goodness to rock out in travel-size convenience at your next show or just to wave around the barn to the envy of everyone else.

Get out there and start collecting photos!!  May the most desperate poverty-warrior win!!


  1. Man, apparently I should not have just done the tackroom cleanout, 'cause I said goodbye to some oldies but goodies. See, I decided I didn't need five (yes, five) sets of mangled gloves anymore, so I sent them to glove heaven. I even got rid of the much-repaired flymasks, since new ones were just on sale at 50% off. Dang, my timing for this contest is abysmal - but I can't wait to see the entries!

  2. Hahaha, jen, I'd give you extra credit for rummaging through the trash! ;-P

  3. Man, I never thought I would be sad that all my stuff is in relatively good condition! :-)

  4. LOL, Kat, maybe you will get lucky and rip a giant hole in something? ;-P

  5. Oh man I just threw out an old pair of breeches that would have been perfect for this!! Dang!

    I do have something that I can submit tho, thank you Henry for breaking things lol!

  6. Can't wait to see these photos - they are going to be awesome!Hope all goes well with the construction...scary times ahead!

  7. Please submit stuff!! I haven't gotten any yet, so your chances of winning are very high at present, LOL!

  8. LOL frig...I had this amazing fly sheet I sewed together with bailer twine.....I think I tossed it. I'll get on the search!

  9. Dang you barn cleaners!! Hop to it, I only have two entries so far! ;-P

  10. I, too, am a victim of recently cleaning out my gear! Somehow I FINALLY updated a lot of my gear this year- but note, this is the first time in about ten years that I've gotten anything new. I had the same issue gloves (I loooove my heritages!) but my mom bought me a new pair when I qualified for the AECs last year for a birthday present!

    I was also riding in a show jacket that was too small (always popped the breast button) that had a MASSIVE hole on the inside seam of the shoulder. But I got a new jacket at the AEC's last year because on the last day everything is majorly discounted. I finally threw away my old quarter horse hood that got chewed up by a mouse that I patched together with water proof stick-on patches and was forced to get new blankets (the old ones were also patched together through sewing and stick-ons!) because my new horse didn't fit the old ones!

    And I made this belt last which, at the last show, the stitching was coming apart and the two pieces of leather can be completely divided. Finally threw it away and replaced it with a belt I found clearanced at the KHP for 30$.

    So, boo, I have nothing to enter :'{ I suppose that's a good thing, though haha. A year ago, I would have had plenty :}

  11. Dang, that hood sounds awesome! I guess I am nearly alone in my poverty redneckery!!

  12. I was still regularly using my Performer III paddock boots with the giant hole (2") in the side that I got my freshman year of equine college (several years ago...) when this was posted, but not after finding the same pair of boots for $40 on eBay! Some things you just can't pass up. Hope you get some good entries!

  13. If I had something awful to send in, I would, but I throw things away as soon as they start getting bad - would a seriously torn up turnout sheet do, or does it have to be for human wear?

  14. Nope, doesn't have to be for people!!
