Showing posts with label schooling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label schooling. Show all posts
March 10, 2019
Don't Lose "Better" In The Quest For "Perfect": Part II
I broke this topic into two parts because my original post was so long that even I got bored halfway through. But the following is the prac...
thoughtful insights
March 6, 2019
Don't Lose "Better" In The Quest For "Perfect": Part I
Echo continues to make clear to me the importance of recognizing progress as a true journey, not a single leap. An equine student is just ...
December 27, 2018
A 4 Yr Old Is Not The Same As A 6 Yr Old
Y'all. Not even close. You are permitted to laugh. I do. Encore was halfway through his sixth year when I got him . He was a sens...
March 5, 2016
How To Get To Good: Be A Better Lab Rat
Encore & I always look like this. Ha. You get on your horse, warm up & organize your various pieces & parts, & then you...
February 7, 2016
Allow Your Horse To Believe In You
The concept of "belief" can at first sound nebulous, but in our riding, it directly translates to the essentials of trust and conf...
November 23, 2015
The Trouble With Horses
But Encore-face, impossible to not love... Is that they're horses. One minute you're on top of the world, the next, you're ...
November 11, 2015
Catching Up: Like, RIDING HORSES!
It’s a tad squishy out, what with several inches of rain over the last 24 hours. But the sun is warm & some of the grass is still green...
October 8, 2015
Why Should I Ride?
TB always ready! ( Get it?!) I felt a restless hassle, mixed with now-familiar fatigue, as I slipped the saddle billets into girth buckl...
September 2, 2015
Obvious Riding, Obviously
A normal workday-& perfect metaphor for my life It's been hard to write. It's been hard to ride. I'd guess all my fel...
August 9, 2015
We Jumped A Thing!
Seriously – a thing!!! Ok, the word “jump” may be a tad strong: If it looks like a jump & jumps like a jump... But creativity is a...
July 21, 2015
How Not To Get Hot
Famous last words: “ I was going to wait & ride at 8:00 pm since it’s 907% humidity, but heck with it, it’s already 6:30 pm, that’s ...