June 30, 2011
The Sticky Is Sticking!!

In the midst of doing 20 other things, I do have to share...PT came out for our combined FOURTH attempt at making the kinesiotape stick to h...
thoughtful insights
June 23, 2011
I'm Not The Only One Held Together With Tape And Velcro

Well, the MRI verdict is in for my knee as of an hour ago! The good news: soft tissue looks good. The bad news: both the tibia and fibul...
June 22, 2011
This Is How We (Don't) Roll: Majykal Cooling Products

I've often eyed those fancy CoolMedics vests online -- they claim to keep your core temperature down through evaporative cooling. But a...
June 20, 2011
Not Exactly Horse Related

He limped up to my front porch as I arrived home a few hot Carolina evenings ago. He had two puncture wounds on either side of his spine fr...
June 12, 2011
Killing Time While Broken
I don't take being grounded well. I mope. I pout. I whine. I generally make myself a nuisance to those poor souls who for some unkno...