March 10, 2013

Flat Out Flat Walkin'

Oh yeah, he really wanted to work.  Great pillow, dude. "Are you riding Solo today?" The BO's question came as I finishe...

March 7, 2013

A Run-By News-ing

Encore appears to be back to pretty much normal, eating and behaving like himself.  If I pinch his neck skin, recovery still seems a tiny bi...

March 5, 2013

The C Word

No, not that word.  Although I hate that one too.  But I have now officially decided I hate this one more: Colic. It sends a shudder dow...

March 3, 2013

To Do

Apologies for fisheries conference-induced hiatus, but ONE WEEK TILL THIS RIG HEADS SOUTH TO BECKY'S!!!!!!!! It will fit! -Calcula...

February 23, 2013

Balancing The Classical With The Practical

Such are the words from Camp David. Encore and I were able to sneak in two excellent lessons before the snowstorm hit, although I did most...