April 21, 2013
W Is For Widiculousness
Encore: Oooo, look trees! In the dressage arena that is. Encore's back was available for warmup and his body felt decent, if a bi...
thoughtful insights
April 19, 2013
Just Keep It Clean
That is my goal for this weekend, as Encore and I head out to compete at Longleaf Pines Horse Trials. It may be our only recognized horse t...
April 16, 2013
Look, It's Hard Being Six People At The Same Time
So many posts that need writing, so little brainpower available to throw at them. But there are exciting things coming up, I swear, includi...
April 11, 2013
Please Raise Your Hand...
...if you have ever been able to steadily train your horse, then go to an event, without spending the time preceeding it frantically trying ...
April 4, 2013
I Want To Go For A Walk
I'm not dead, I swear. I just need a clone to get all my stuff done. Should be easy enough, right? But Dr. Bob took care of Enco...