October 23, 2014
Thursday Thoroughbred Eye Candy
For your viewing pleasure, with thanks to exquisite fall morning light. (I have no idea why they look blurry in post on my browser, but wh...
thoughtful insights
October 22, 2014
Nutrition Reboot, Pt. III: A Much Updated Refueling Of The Tanks
The flying Tex! Before I continue with our reboot, I must give a shout out to my beloved Waredaca 3DE (it's so cool, even Colleen ...
October 18, 2014
Nutrition Reboot, Pt. II: Oxygen Optional
Alas, no credible reports have been filed on the location of eventer79-brain. Even her horses are beginning to show suspicion. However, Am...
October 14, 2014
Throwback...Tuesday: Rocket Fuel & Other Stories
A brain belonging to eventer79 has left the building. If found, please return to your nearest Missing Blogger Station immediately. To...
October 8, 2014
Solo's Always Got Your Back
Well, unless he gets a better offer... Solo: No worries, big little bro, nap on, I'll stand guard. Meh, screw that, the sun ...