September 27, 2015
TFS Time Machine: My Life's Lullaby

On these quiet evenings, having walked out to groom the horses as the weekend rain subsides, I'm reminded of a constant. That balm whic...
thoughtful insights
September 19, 2015
Five Points Of Fantastic

Because adorable. From Reddit Better late than never? But after our own exciting jumping achievement this morning ( sometimes small, u...
September 6, 2015
The Day After: Shock & Awe

Making Advanced 17A look easy Saturday was packed full of things both wonderful &, er, somewhat less so. Warning: many words follo...
September 4, 2015
Follow The Action: Five Points HT A/I/P XC Live!

If, you can't ride...get judgy? That's right, I'm going to be taking names and, er, hopefully writing a lot of zeros! BFF ...
September 2, 2015
Obvious Riding, Obviously

A normal workday-& perfect metaphor for my life It's been hard to write. It's been hard to ride. I'd guess all my fel...