Showing posts with label injury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label injury. Show all posts
January 13, 2019
Bridging The Space Between Us

Echo & I had physical & mental assignments to tackle. Both would take time, but that was a resource I had available, particularly t...
thoughtful insights
January 3, 2019
Buy A Horse, Lose Your Mind

I got ahead of myself a bit, but I've had "young horse ponderings" on my mind a lot. I will backtrack now, though, because I ...
July 23, 2017
Not The Solo Update I Wanted To Post

Solo has been fighting for his life over the past five weeks at the NC State University Large Animal Hospital. After all this time since t...
September 14, 2016
Solo Struggles: The Tendons That Bow
Yes, you read that correctly. No, the plural is not just a literary reference. I haven't been able to write about it because in all ...
April 24, 2016
We're Still Here, Still Crazy
My intentions to update you remain overwhelmed by assignments, but I couldn't leave a gaping hole for guesses, so I shall at least attem...
March 22, 2016
And Just Like That, It's Over

But it was spectacular... Dr. Bob just left with my last piece of hope. Encore has torn a cruciate ligament in his left stifle, which m...
December 14, 2015
The Double Whammy

While I waited for Dr. Bob last Tuesday morning, I was fully prepared to hear Encore had torn a meniscus or something & I'd have a f...
December 5, 2015
In Which Solo Can Fly No More

* edited to add - Solo is still warm & huggable, my apology for any over-scare, but we did discover an injury effectively ending his ...
April 8, 2015
When Bad News Is Good News

Yes, Batman Dr. Bob confirmed that Encore proved his talents yet again by pulling both stifles. He’d just healed his pulled ass, so natu...
January 19, 2015
Hooves: Excellent For Both Exploding Heads & Amazing Healing Powers
No one's favourite supplies Time may not heal ALL wounds, but given enough of it, equine feet can certainly recover from some gory f...