My 30th, Solo's 13th in 2009 |
I couldn't imagine a more fitting phrase for the birthday of my center of orbit, my sun, my Solaris. Thanks,
Neil Young (
it was even inspired by his horse).
I didn't know Solo's exact birthday when
I brought him home. From his Coggins, it appeared to be sometime in early spring, so I simply assigned him one that would be easy to remember: mine.
While I often forget what day it is & rarely do much about my own aging, I always remember & celebrate not just Solo's day, but every day since he came into my life & irrevocably changed so many parts of it and me.
So here's to you, my very best friend, partner, & piece of my heart. Even thinking about the insane adventures, ups & downs, glorious triumphs and the darkest of heartbreaks brings tears of both sorrow & gratitude of unimaginable depth.
Seeing your head shoot up at the sound of my voice is still the best part of any day & even through my current exhaustion, the thought of seeing you at home is what keeps me going. I cannot wait to present you with the farm that I built for us.
Memorial Day 2006: I brought him home |
Our partnership would not exist but for the
team of wonderful people that surrounds us &, most of all, the two who made it all possible along the way.
Thank you, from both of us, although those words fail to encompass the emotion, to mum & Jim, the founding members of Team Flying Solo, for the gift of this extraordinary relationship that was & still is more powerful, more miraculous, and more intimate than I ever dreamed.
I revive, then, my inner 12-year-old girl and the Ridiculously Cheesy Solo Montage from a 2010 nighttime fit of boredom. I love you, buddy. Please resist your genetic drive to be a walking suicide machine for a while yet, ok?
The song is by Templeton Thompson, a very talented and very kind singer/songwriter and horsewoman
I had the pleasure of meeting about five years ago at an Equine Affaire in Raleigh.
2011 Area II Indian Smurf Award: For courage in the face of adversity |
I hope we have many stories left to tell. I WILL get you back in shape this year, I know you are bored and I am so sorry -- I know how much you have left to give, although you owe me nothing!
We have a fresh start with your
younger chew toy brother, who entertains us both, &
Awesome Crew B, who always lends a hand & a shoulder.
And we have you, my wonderful readers and friends. You are part of our team too, & sharing our journey has enriched it even more. It's hard to believe that there are over 200 of you on our feed now; I thank all of you for letting me share my shiny, stubborn, loyal, kind, & altogether remarkable flying Solo with you.
As Neil Young so fittingly wrote:
We've been through some things together,
with trunks of memories still to come.
We found things to do in stormy weather,
Long may you run.
Although these changes have come,
With your chrome heart shining in the sun,
long may you run.