January 17, 2011

Solo Makes A Friend

Back in November, I promised you some pictures.  Pictures of Solo greeting Mr. Glowy, a fantastic prize that you helped me win for creating the most amazing yard art imaginable!

I always follow through! Eventually.

Solo greets Mr. Glowy in the customary equine fashion.

Oh, great Solo, I prostrate myself before thee! Thy greatness is even greatness-er (what can I say, flamingos don't have great grammar) than I could have imagined. Oh, please, won't you honour me with your acceptance of my humble pink self? I glow in the dark!!

Uh, ok, lighten up, lil pink dude. It's not a big deal, sure we can hang out. And my prostate is fine, thanks for asking though. 

And so it was that two great creatures came to befriend one another. Forever united in crime awesomeness, they survey a better world.


  1. I think there needs to be pictures of Solo and his new friend going over a cross country jump together.....

  2. ROFL. Molly, a jump picture was planned but circumstances conspired against us. Perhaps if the planets align on a sunny day...

  3. Sniff, I give this entry a three hanky

  4. I concur, there needs to be a jump pic! Although, maybe mye eyes aren't very good, but Mr. Flamingo doesn't look like he's lit up in these pics. Does he only glow when Solo is jumping?

  5. About that planetary alignment ... from what I've been hearing, that's going to be a bad day. Especially in the vicinity of Cape Fear. Maybe, just maybe, a glow in the dark flingo-flingo will protect you.

  6. Frizz, obviously he would only glow when he is competing!

    MG, I feel safe knowing Mr. Glowy's mojo can protect me from all forms of evil which may be lying in wait in that deep river of horror.

  7. In that last picture it looks like Solo is giving the flamingo a sneaky little sideways grin. Partners in crime alright!

  8. Can we assume that the two rode off into the sunset together? What a lovely mental picture.

  9. Shawna, do not give them any ideas!

    EG, who knows what they get up to when I'm away, I shudder to think of the misdeeds. The misdeeds!

  10. off topic but…There is a blog award waiting for you on my blog (Nina’s Story) come and pick it up.

  11. Aww, thank you Barbara! That's very kind of you!!

  12. LOVE IT! Awesome photos. Btw, you have an award on my blog! Check it out.

    Adventures In Colt Starting

  13. Wow, thank you, DS! Two awards in one post, I just don't know what to do with myself!!
