November 9, 2009

Taking Stock

So, I'm pretty much caught up to the present. Finally! I've glossed over a lot, much of it I'm sure I'll come back to, wha...

November 8, 2009

A Very Rainy Day

Fresh off our big win, I decided to enter a new local HT to get some more mileage for Solo and I. The competition was a new one, just built...

November 7, 2009

In Which The Universe Turns In On Itself

Fall 2009. Version II of the HT we did this spring . It started as a cold drizzly day. And to share the punishment, I give thee no pictur...

November 5, 2009

Painful Plodding Progress

Dressage and I have a love/hate relationship. I love it. It hates me. I grew up riding dressage, right down to the German guy making m...

October 29, 2009


We needed a dressage Obi-Wan to help us channel the force. We were completeing HT's without getting eliminated. We were staying in t...