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We Are Flying Solo

December 16, 2013

TFS Is Getting All Social And Crap

If you haven't noticed my shameless (ok, there's a little shame, but whatever) caving to the interwebz, TFS has been exploring different types of social media.  Results have varied.

I'm An Official Twit
I'm not a particularly avid fan of Twitter, but I do have an account, primarily because I was reading tweets from The Shatner for a while (don't judge, he is hilarious!), so it is linked to my Google account & primarily operates in an automated fashion.  I suck at thinking of short, pithy comments & kind of still don't understand the point....  But it WILL tell you when something really important happens, like new posts!

Ummm, yeah, this  may have been me...
Pinterest:  Internet Heroin

I feel significantly less shame about my recent peek into Pinterest.  I honestly did not understand what or why or how the heck it even worked.  Or why anyone with any semblance of organizational desire & limited time would even try to mire through the seemingly infinite scrolls of image tiles.  But it found one of my critical weaknesses:  visual addiction

Why do you prey on my soft spots, interwebz?  But I will step up & own it & you can find buttons to all of our ridiculous self-marketing of dorkiness and equine obsession accounts right up top.  Our Facebook and Youtube links are still there, as well as G+ since apparently Google adds that by default in some delusion that more than 12 people use it.  Plus you can now subscribe to our feed by email & shun the weird world of RSS!

What, did you not want my random blog to be part of every aspect of your life?  Travesty!


  1. Kudos on being so social media-inclined! I am still working on figuring all this social media stuff out.

  2. Facebook is about as far as I go. I feel like it sucks enough time out of me as it is!

  3. My thoughts exactly... Even on google1... Although, I like twitter during events... Like Rolex, Olympics, national news events... I just don't have time to check it regularly.

  4. LOL, I probably wouldn't go so far as being "inclined." But I was just curious and decided to see if there were new ways to connect with people out there that were, you know, not too crazy.

    I definitely don't have extra time! But our FB and YouTube stuff was already there, the G+ and Twitter things added themselves and are pretty much automated. Pinterest is mildly amusing from time to time, I like the purdy pictures,, hahahaha!

    So it seems like a lot but wasn't a huge leap. But I know different folks like to use different media and the new template and FeedBurner gave me some extra options, woot!
